Danger of GMO

Consumption of GMOs is dangerous for humans. 

What is GMO?

It is a result of genetic inoculation of qualities of one specie to another one. This is used to prolong product’s life, enrich its taste or add new features like resistance to draught, etc.  

This is extremely dangerous because
  • It affects the whole ecosystem, including humans.
  • Results are unpredictable.

Very often products that contain genetically modified information are not labeled as GMO. For example, byproducts of GMOs such as vitamins.

What about humans?

1. First and foremost, I believe that humans have no right playing gods. This goes agains the Rules of the Universe. 

2. There are evidences that mutation agent from GMOs can “build in”, causing : 

  • decease that are hard to treat;
  • distortion of worldview, mindset, behaviour;
  • mental disorders;
  • physical mutations that are becoming stronger with every generation. 

How to protect ourselves?

We need to have strong position against genetic modifications of any kind. This position has to be supported by actions, such as: 

  1. Stop consuming GMOs
  2. Stop consuming synthetically synthesised food (including proteins, vitamins, etc)
  3. Raise awareness regarding the issue.

Remember, every decision and every product matter.