4 Illusions about meat consumption

Making dietary changes should not be so challenging. 

The biggest jump towards a healthy diet is to stop consuming meat and start eating predominantly plant-based cruelty-free food. To make this journey easier we will look at four main illusions about meat consumption. Freeing ourselves from them will clear the way to a healthier diet and happier life.  

Human is not an animal.

1. A programme of consumerism and parasite behaviour.

The programme tunes a person into unlimited consumption instead of creation and energy production. This kind of consumption becomes exorbitant and leads to a serious malfunction in the human body, which results in the weakening of physical, emotional and mental health. 

You can see many examples around. On a physical level, people are eating dead animal bodies, while their ability to produce energy is rapidly going down. Instead of self-tuning and speeding up their energy motors, they are stealing (draining) energy from other living beings. This is not natural for humans. It is a distortion.

By nature, humans consume plant-based food and eat much less than people do these days.

It is because the digestive system of a human is reactive. It reacts to food and produces energy and necessary element. It is like when you eat a delicious juice fruit and feel joy. This stimulates vital processes in your body including hormonal balancing and vitamin production. 

So our body can produce different elements by itself. And it is not only the nutrients in food that we receive, we are reacting and producing what we need. 

Emotionally, humans are not meant to absorb the emotions of others, like energy vampires. We interact with other people and living beings and produce energy. When light energy interacts with another light energy, even more energy is produced. For example, talking to a motivated person increases your level of motivation. It is not because he shares his energy with you. It is because his motivation stimulates the production of energy within you. 

In contrast, after a conversation with someone depressed, a person’s energy level drops significantly. This is because negative energy absorbed positive one.

Thus, we should only interact with healthy positive people. It will promote our health and well-being. Those with negative states are better to go to a specialist who can help them to get better.

If you look at the mental field, we can see how people have begun to inordinately absorb information and have lost the ability to think and analyse. Many perceive what they are told without prior assessment and independent analysis.

People rarely create anything new, unusual or unique. They stopped giving life to their own ideas and projects. Many have lost the ability to rejoice and experience bright feelings. Many have ceased to live, but have begun to exist.

It is a time to realise that such behaviour is simply destructive programming. It is within a person’s power to tune their body to work constructively.

2. The illusion that people cannot live without meat.

Media, the press, and some doctors claim that man needs to eat meat protein, otherwise, he will fall ill and die. They assume that man gets protein from outside and assimilates it, so he needs a protein that matches his own as much as possible. Sounds like a pop-movie zombie story, don’t you think? They visualise a man as a zombie who takes a piece of flesh from an animal and incorporates it into himself to heal his injuries, or as a vampire who has no blood of his own and drinks the blood of living beings to keep his body alive. 

This statement might be relevant in the case of a dead body. And a consciousness that illegally inhabits it. If a body cannot regenerate itself, maintain its vital functions, and produce the necessary energies, then it is dead. But is it? If we focus on living Humans, then this statement is not addressed to them. These recommendations and dietary models are not suitable for a living Human. A Human can eat only cruelty-free healthy food and produce the necessary elements to support his body. 

The other argument is that human is big and will not live on grass alone. But is it true? And what does size have to do with it? Most herbivores are big and strong. They build up their protein by eating only plant food. They keep their bodies healthy and active. The same cow that people eat as a “source of protein” builds up that protein and gets everything it needs from grass. A pig, one of the most popular meats, is also a herbivore. Chicken and other poultry, eat grains and grass. 

Very often judgments about humans are made by comparing them to animals. But a Human is not an animal. The abilities of his organism are many times greater than those of mammals.

So why does a man puts his laziness and inactivity above the lives of others?

Mainly because destructive lifestyles and nutrition habits slowed down processes in their bodies. Energy production is on a low and a man does not want to make an effort to rebuild his body, to cleanse it, to restore and adjust its work. It is a lot of work to do. Many people continue to kill animals because they do not know what to cook from plants. They are lazy to invent new receipts and change their habits.

How far human beings have fallen to put laziness on a pedestal so high above life? The lives of others, and the life of their own.

After all, by protecting the lives of others, one protects one’s own.

3. The pursuit of strength

People all over the world have proven that they can live and be healthy without meat. It is hard to argue against anymore. Thus the next layer of opposition focuses on strength and its perception. People claim that vegetarians are veggie-like and lack brute strength. But is this true? 

This statement is an illusion based on the wrong assessment of strength. It is associated with aggression, anger, violence, hatred and other destructive behaviours. 

Calmness and balance are tried to be branded as weaknesses. But they are not. 

The root of this conflict goes far in the opposition of the light force, the force of life, to the dark force, the force of destruction. 

Destroyers kill and die. In their death agony, they feel a surge of power, which is the energy released as a result of their destruction. This way of gaining ‘strength’ and energy is now being popularised. People consume alcohol, which destroys their bodies and mind and intoxicates them. They become addicted to the energy of destruction. They sacrifice a piece of themselves time after time to experience the feeling of illusory power. 

Others take drugs, from serious ones to less strong but also destructive ones like caffeine, nicotine, etc. They use their body’s resources on loan, to enhance, and increase their ability not thinking about consequences. 

People have been persuaded that living in the moment is all that matters. As now they want to achieve a lot in their career it is OK to stay up all day, drink buckets of coffee, overload their bodies and use all their reserves. Others have been convinced that they can’t graduate from a prestigious uni without mental stimulants.  

An acquaintance, who studied at one of the most well-known universities, once told me that the workload there was so high that he could not cope without extra stimulation, as all his classmates. Just think by whom and in what state most modern scientific works are written. And in general what way of life, outlook and attitudes do these people broadcast? Most of them put the momentary result over health, happiness, balanced life, and longevity. 

Athletes live on doping, killing their bodies for the entertainment of others. Many scientists are on mental stimulants. Politicians and pop culture are not worth talking about. Everything is obvious there. These are all examples of the behaviour of dark, destructive beings and their followers. It is as if they are living their last days, and their behaviour, thinking and choices lead them to do just that.

This contradicts the nature of a Human. He lives long and achieves results systematically, step by step. He is balanced and healthy. Man does not work on his tensions, much less consider the state of tensions to be a strength. He is aware of the value and true power of bright creative energy. 

Remember when you created something worthwhile? When you had bright, creative, unusual ideas. A Human feels his power when he is calm, balanced and healthy. When his emotions are balanced, clear and bright. When he is active and life flows through him. This is a natural state for a living Human. 

A Human is not afraid of not wanting to kill. He realises that it is against his nature. Man lives and fights to protect life. To gain his light power, he has to realise the value of what he is fighting for. He has to realise the value of Life. 

4. A fear of death

All previous programs and illusions lead to one of the basic fears, a fear of death. 

People are afraid of dying. Afraid if they cannot kill, they could not survive. Afraid that they cannot protect themselves without destructive power. Afraid to be killed.

It’s a fear, an illusion. Refuted by many who have been able to give it up. Many vegetarians in the world are statistically healthier than those who eat meat. Many of them are long-livers. Some world-renowned physically strong people do not eat meat. 

Vegetarians are smarter, more creative and more active. Many of them are innovators. They can protect themselves and boost their evolution. 

Fears associated with eating meat are illusory.  There are people who live differently. And that is their choice. 

People stop being afraid and become Humans. Stop running away from death and start walking and striving for Life! Cherish life, value life. Both your own and others. It is a choice of direction in your life. To live happily and for a long time, you must sincerely want this and go towards it with courage. And it will work out!

Main dysfunction in humans nutrition

Have you noticed how dysfunctional human relationships with food are? Humans seem to have forgotten what type of nutrition is suitable for their kind. They are trying to inhabit the behaviour of different animal creatures. It is wrong at its root as a Human is not at all an animal!

Such behaviour goes against human nature and destructively affects the human mind, body and soul, as well as other creatures and the planet.

Humans are light beings, creators. We were born to live and create. Our nature is a light energy exchange. Humans are not destructors and have never been them. As visitors to this planet, we are supposed to interact with it with dignity and respect and take care of the living creatures that inhabit it. 

Main dysfunction in humans nutrition

The main dysfunction we can notice in human nutrition is the consumption of meat and other products of death. Factually, people kill other living beings and consume their flesh and bones. It is a behaviour of a killer, a parasite, or a scavenger. Humans should not behave this way.

Killing is a violation of the Law of the Universe.

First of all, killing living beings is a violation of the Law of the Universe. Life is a gift given to all light beings. No one has a right to take it away.

Encroaching someones Source of Life is strictly prohibited. Every light being has its own source to feed them. They should use it wisely, take care of it and protect it. They should not encroach on the sources of others and not let others parasite on their own source.

The life of every light being is unique and very valuable!

Every living creature should be able to support life in itself. This is a gift from Mother Universe. It makes them autonomous. Opens the opportunity to Live and Evolve.

As a part of our light Universe, a human always followed the Laws of the Universe. Now we should remember them and start building our lives by them.

Why This Law Should Not Be Violated

The killing goes against Life itself, Life as energy, life as the basis of being. By encroaching on the life of others, a person destroys the Source of Life.

Humans must not feed on death and destruction. It distorts and kills his essence. It kills life in himself.

When people see death and suffering they feel pain. When they kill, a part of them dies. 

One friend of mine once wanted to cook lobster for her husband. They loved ordering them in a restaurant and she decided to surprise him with a nice dinner at home. She bought a nice fresh lobster and brought it home, then started searching for a receipt. That was the moment when she realised that she was supposed to boil it alive. She tried to convince herself that it was easy, but in fact, it was not. So when her husband came back home she was crying next to the lobster that she could not cook. He did it. Then they were sitting and crying together and the dinner was spoiled. None of them eventually eat that lobster. And as you probably already guessed, they are not ordering lobsters at the restaurants anymore. 

This is a nice example of how different it is to eat what was killed by others, completely ignoring the fact of death, and do it all by themselves, realising what stands behind the food people consume. 

Another story from childhood. My granny lived in a village. She had a small farm with a few chickens, ducks and a cow. As a child, I sometimes came to visit her there. I was running around feeding the animals and playing with them. I was particularly interested in little chicks and ducklings as they were super cute and I was allowed to take them in a house. When I first found out that she was killing some of the chickens to cook them, it was a shock for me. She grow them and then killed them. For me it was unacceptable. I talked to them and treated them as little friends, not realising that later they were supposed to go to the soup. Terrible story. When I asked my granny how she could even do it, she told that it was only hard at first, but then she got used to it and stopped feeling anything at all. She started treating them as if they were initially lifeless. 

Now I realise that at that moment a part of her soul died. The killing has become a norm for her.

Why do people behave like this?

Evaluating the situation as an adult, and analysing everything from a wider perspective, I see that humans are guided by illusions, programs and false beliefs.  

This type of behaviour is a result of propaganda, an external attack, which, due to the lack of awareness, is difficult for people to resist.

The main coup is that people have been convinced that they have to kill to live. They were told the lie and they believed it. But the truth is that this statement is lodges and deception. It’s a coup. Made so that people kill themselves with their own hands.

People can live and be happy and healthy not consuming the products of death. It is proven by millions of healthy vegetarians around the world. 

How it should be 

It is natural for a human to enjoy life. To be grateful for every minute he lives. Experience joy when interacting with other living beings.

This joy is the energy that living things produce when they interact. Life sees life, energy fields touch, resonance and generation of the energy occur. This energy supports life and promotes the growth and evolution of the body and consciousness.

Everyone felt joy and affection for little ducklings or squirrels in the park. People feed them grains and nuts to look at them longer, admire them, talk to them and even touch them. Doing so they experience a colossal surge of energy. A rush of joy and inspiration. This is natural when light living beings interact.

When a person interacts with things that are not alive, they feel decrease in energy and exhaustion. For example, working at a computer for hours drains a lot of energy.

From the example above, it can be seen that it is natural for a human to interact with life and produce energy. A human is not an absorber or a consumer. By nature, he is a creator. 

To produce energy, energy fields and bodies must be alive, life must flow in them. Only a living being can feel, only a living being can experience joy and light feelings. Body and consciousness should be alive.

Many human organs and feelings are atrophied at the moment. Body tissues, nerve endings, channels and flows were depleted so much that they lost the ability to interact with the world around them, lost the ability to feel and perceive information.

To regain the ability to produce energy for their life and activity, humans need to make an effort to heal, restore their threads and connections, and restore nerve fibres and neural circuits. This will help to regain the ability to think independently, give birth to new bright ideas, and create. It will help to experience feelings and return balance and energy to their bodies.

A human who realises the value of life will not kill, and will not destroy himself and others. He will create and protect life and its manifestations.

We need an unambiguous and clear position: to protect life.

How to manifest it in nutrition

When we talk about nutrition, a human can consume food obtained without destruction and violence. The most favourable is the consumption of fruits, berries and grains.

The basis of human nutrition should be based on the principles of light energy exchange, the cooperation when both sides are happy with the outcome. 

A good example is fruit consumption. Trees produce fruits to attract humans and animals so that they help a tree to reproduce itself. Fruit nectar is a gift from a tree to a human. It is rich in vitamins and is suitable food for us. A human consumes the meat of a fruit and plants the seed of the fruit. This is a win-win game. 

For a human to begin to perceive energy from such products, he needs to clean his body and set the digestive system to work correctly.

When the body restores the main functions and tunes in to the correct light work, health will improve significantly, there will be a surge of energy and strength. The body will delight in health and life longevity.

Life will be full of energy, bright feelings, bright events and light interactions.

Healthy Colon and How to Support The Microbiome

We’ve all heard that our health starts in our gut. But does everybody understand what it means? 

Our colon is home to millions bacterias that are essential for our digestion. In simple words, bacterias eat food that we give to them and produce elements that human body needs, such as vitamins.

There are healthy and pathogenic bacterias. The proportion of them affects how healthy we are. While healthy bacterias are our hardworking friends that support our digestion, pathogenic bacterias produce elements that are poisonous.

Bacterias need constant support to live. By choosing food we chose what bacterias we feed. Healthy bacterias mostly feed on dietary fibres. This are different fruits and vegetables. Pathogenic bacterias prefer protein and processed sugars. 

Another enemy of a healthy colon is fungus. They colonise areas of our body and help pathogenic microflora to grow fast. To stay healthy avoid any types of fungus, including yeast and mushrooms. 


Nowadays it has become very popular to support our gut health with probiotics. Probiotics contains armies of bacterias that are meant to balance our microbiome. 

The problem with probiotics is that in most cases people consume them but do not make changes in their diet. So they continue constantly sending armies of bacterias to their body but are still supporting pathogenic ones with their dietary choices. This way probiotics gives temporary effect. Gut starts felling better, but real situation inside human’s body and mind doesn’t change much.

Let’s not to forget that probiotics are a medical treatment. Instead of being dependant of external bacterias that help to degrade tons of consumed protein, it is better to change our diet and grow our own healthy microbiome. 

How to support our microbiome:

  1. Clear your body from pathogenic microflora.
  2. Eliminate food that cause the development of pathogenic microflora.
  3. Clear your body from fungus and parasites 
  4. But the main thing is to feed healthy microflora

Healthy microflora prefer raw dietary fibres. Consumption of raw vegetables and greens is preferable. Also limit the amount of processed food and exclude animal protein, yeast and processed sugar from your diet. 

It takes time and constant effort to heal our microbiome. Dedication and readiness to change our food preferences is necessary. 

Interesting fact! Microbiome and our thought patterns are connected.

There is a mirroring connection between our digestion and our thoughts, in particular ways we digest information. Our analytical abilities and understanding how to use information we receive from the outer world is connected to the bacterias in our colon. 

If you want to have a healthy colon, eliminate destructive thoughts. Support your healthy thoughts and intentionally generate new ones. This will help healthy bacterias to grow in number and will create a good environment for more healthy bacterias. Thus your gut health and general health of your body will improve dramatically. 

Dangerous virus that affects DNA. Do NOT consume infected plants!

A lot of plants that are popularised nowadays are far from being healthy. Some of them are very dangerous for humans. 

Today we will talk about waving plants, whose DNA core was infected and modified by a dangerous virus. 

What is wrong with waving plants?

Everything that is waving contains broken DNA core. It was hacked and modified. As a result we can see fast growth, unlimited and uncontrolled. Plant is unable to hold itself. It lays on the ground or waves. It is a parasite structure. 

Another warning is a size and the amount of berries on a plant. They are unusually large and there are too many of them.  Their size and quantity do not correspond to the plant. This is a clear sign of mutation. 

The most popular representative of infected plants is a grape. It is one of the most dangerous infected plants of this kind due to its high organisation. Grape seeds, vine and everything made of grape is a poison. It is strictly not recommended for consumption. 

Other popular infected plants are pumpkins, the whole pumpkin family, including cucumbers, melons, watermelons, etc. 

Other infected plants include legumes. They are also extremely poisonous to humans. 

How does it affect humans?

When people consume plants with infected DNA they let virus into their system. As it gets in, it attempts to change human’s DNA. It tries to break the core and create another parasite. 

Healthy human is direct, honest, decisive, has strong base and believes – qualities of straight strong structures. 

Virus promotes tortuosity, desire to please and adjust. Using somebody else for support, energy and nutrition, while devastating and destroying their structures. It promotes parasite behaviour. 

Healthy human is honest, presents their thoughts and believes directly. 

Virus promotes lie and illusions. 

Healthy human uses his own energy and abilities for growth. Healthy growth is gradual and stable. It takes time for a human to lean their lessons and develop their skills. 

Parasite promotes fast growth on behalf of another being. It uses others to exaggerate growth. Using others to climb and get higher position in society or better job, using resources of other people, their knowledge and abilities, etc. Very often it is stepping on people to get ahead. 

And this is only a small part of possible effects. 

How to identify a healthy plant?

Healthy plants have straight trunk. Their trunk is their spine, their core structure. It is like humans who are naturally meant to have straight and healthy back.  

They should be able to hold themselves. If a plant can’t hold itself, its base is broken. Its initial structure, its DNA is distorted. We should not consume such plants. 

Consumption of infected plants is dangerous for humans. It is like constantly communicating with a person who is infected with dangerous highly contagious virus. The likelihood of getting infected is very high. And the more people consume infected species the stronger the effect of a virus. 

How to protect ourselves?

Not to eat and not to grow parasite species and infected species! 

Benefits of sublimation drying

Sublimation is a process of gently removing water from food without the use of high temperature. Technology works the way that helps to preserve maximum healthy nutrients in food. Thus nutritional value stays nearly unchanged. 

Sublimated fruits and vegetable are often stored in a form of a powder for convenience and ease of use. Such powders are added to different meals and smoothies. 

Benefits of sublimation:

  1. All healthy nutrients are saved.
  2. Easy to store.
  3. Products for sublimation are harvested in season, which helps to choose products at the maximum of their nutrition potential. 
  4. Good way to eliminate food waist. 
  5. Sublimated food is usually a product of organic farming.

We believe that sublimation is a future of organic farming. Zero waist production and food that can be easily stored for a long time can help to tackle world’ s hunger. With balanced formulas sublimated meals have a potential of replacing the ordinary ones. 

In addition to their nutrient potential they are very easy to prepare, so can save a lot of time. Sublimation can make meal preparation easier and more efficient. 

Have you tried sublimated fruits and vegetables? 

7 Foods to avoid 

We believe that the food we consume should be as clean as possible. While we should implement more healthy food into our diet, we must stop consuming what makes us ill.

Sometimes it is hard to quiet, and it takes an effort of our will to do so. To help you in this process, we are giving a list of food to avoid and briefly explaining the effect it has on our health.

The most popular products that cause addictions are meat, caffeine, sugar, milk, potato, beans, and yeast. Let’s look at them in more detail.


Artificial sugar synthetically derived from plants is a concentrate of plant nectar, the plant’s life force, its collected energy for growth. When consumed by a human, it works as external stimulation, doping that people use to improve their mood and charge with energy.

Leads to depression, hormonal imbalance, damages neurone cells, vessels and the cardiovascular system. Weakens our body’s protective functions.

Sugar cravings do not make you feel better and happier. They just create the illusion of it. 


Another fake energiser is caffeine. It fastens our heartbeat, stimulates neural activity, and causes serious body worn out. Especially it threatens our nervous system and cardiovascular system.  

It is like taking an energy loan from other systems of your body, that also need it.

Cause general body weakness, while maintaining the illusion of normal. Has a negative effect on our liver. Drops immune defence.

Meat and animal protein

Protein is a fast fix for our body. It makes our body lazy and dependant. Instead of restoring its structures by itself (natural reparation), it takes already made protein blocks from somebody else. Those blocks are not a perfect feat, just a close alternative with their flaws and problems. Consuming protein of other life being a human takes their structure, their base, their behaviour and worldview. As a result, humans are becoming more animal-like.  

The more protein we consume, the more of it we need. It weakens our bodies while providing an illusion of restoration. It also promotes destruction. Consuming other living beings is destruction. It leads to destructive behaviour in humans. And the more we destroy ourselves, the higher is a need for protein. It is like breaking a bone thousand times and fixing it with glue instead of being careful and giving it time to grow.


Milk is a source of liquid protein. It is a perfect environment for the development of pathogenic bacterias and fungals. Compared to meat, milk is easier to digest. And it is more directed to growth. It holds basic programmes of an animal body structure and is designed to strengthen its base. When consumed by humans, it gives animals power but with consequences. Animal-like behaviour, congestions, toxicity, destruction of human’s tissues. Highly dependant.

Our body stores it and uses it as an alteration to its own protein.


One of the most popularised plants that cause very fast dependency. It is hallucinogenic and poisonous when raw. Contains nicotine and elements that block neural activity.

Promotes mucus creation. Kills a healthy microbiome. Promotes fungal and pathogenic microflora. Provides fake filling of satisfaction and calmness.

Slows down neural activity. Manipulates the behaviour. Blocks the resistance. Cause rooting and fake grounding. Makes people grow into the earth and make it hard to move. 


Poisonous when raw. Provide a fake feeling of power and fulness. Alternative to animal protein that also causes high dependency. Gives fast growth to muscles that have to be constantly supported by more beans. Tissues grown on beans are weak and loose. Consumption of beans blocks the ability to produce our protein.  

They kill healthy microbiome and seriously damage our gut health. Create congestions and toxicity.


It is a type of fungal that promotes extended growth of everything (tissues, bacterias, etc.). Fungals create colonies inside the human body. They change the body’s ecosystem, affects neurone connections and manipulate food desires. Hurts our bones and nerve system, cause major blockages in the lymphatic system. Seriously threatens our immune system.

People become lazier and less active. Mental abilities drop significantly, neural reactions slow down.

When we stop consuming these 7 products, we will see a dramatic improvement in our health. Which one are you ready to quiet right now?

Danger of GMO

Consumption of GMOs is dangerous for humans. 

What is GMO?

It is a result of genetic inoculation of qualities of one specie to another one. This is used to prolong product’s life, enrich its taste or add new features like resistance to draught, etc.  

This is extremely dangerous because
  • It affects the whole ecosystem, including humans.
  • Results are unpredictable.

Very often products that contain genetically modified information are not labeled as GMO. For example, byproducts of GMOs such as vitamins.

What about humans?

1. First and foremost, I believe that humans have no right playing gods. This goes agains the Rules of the Universe. 

2. There are evidences that mutation agent from GMOs can “build in”, causing : 

  • decease that are hard to treat;
  • distortion of worldview, mindset, behaviour;
  • mental disorders;
  • physical mutations that are becoming stronger with every generation. 

How to protect ourselves?

We need to have strong position against genetic modifications of any kind. This position has to be supported by actions, such as: 

  1. Stop consuming GMOs
  2. Stop consuming synthetically synthesised food (including proteins, vitamins, etc)
  3. Raise awareness regarding the issue.

Remember, every decision and every product matter.

Conscious nutrition basics. Light energy exchange.

Conscious nutrition is a way of living rather than just another diet. A lot of suggestions related to conscious nutrition work when dietary changes are combined with changes in our lifestyle and worldview. Becoming more aware of what we eat, how food affects us and what effect we make with our dietary choices is part of the evolution of us as Humans. This is a gradual process that requires steady work and dedication. 

The first principle and the base of conscious nutrition is a light energy exchange

Humans are light beings. Our nature is a light energy exchange. It is cooperation when both sides are happy with the outcome. 

When we talk about it in terms of nutrition, a good example is fruits consumption. Tree produce fruits to attract humans and animals so that they help a tree to reproduce itself. Fruit nectar is a gift of a tree to a human. It is rich in vitamins and is suitable food for us. A human consumes the meat of a fruit and plants the seed of the fruit. This is a win-win game. 

To return to light energy exchange we, first of all, need to stop destroying ourselves and others. We should stop consuming products that destroy our body such as alcohol, nicotine, GMOs, chemicals, etc.  

We should also stop killing others for food and destroying the ecosystem we are in. It means to stop eating the meat of any kind, animal protein, products of violence, etc.

Instead, we should learn to make light and healthy dietary choices. Some of the things to begin with:

  • Learn how food affects us,
  • Start listening to our body, 
  • Consume more fresh fruits and vegetables,
  • Decrease food waste, 
  • Consider the impact we make when buying food.

It is our primary obligation to maintain light energy exchange, and take care of ourselves and the planet we live in.