Rosemary is a medical herb that stimulates neural activity, improves blood circulation and provides mental clarity.
It is well known for its ability to improve memory. But not everybody acknowledge its effect in treatment of neural disorders. It provides neural stimulation and helps to heal connections between neurons. It helps to activate blocked areas of our brain and provides an access to hidden blocks of our memory. By restoring the connection we recall the ability to see things more clear. Our analytical ability grow and we can understand the connection between things in our life and our past much better.
Clear mind is a base for calm and balanced life. It increase our resistance to stress, and improves our immune defence.
From other health benefits of rosemary it worth mentioning its ability to improve the digestion. Stomach is our second brain, and rosemary helps to improve its receptivity to food we consume. It improve the abilities of our stomach to analyse food and improve its speed of reaction. This speeds up the digestion and improves food receptivity.
More precise and fast reaction to food gives us the ability to eat the exact food we need in appropriate quantity. So our body gets smarter with its food choices. When we do not consume what we don’t need, we can decrease the level of toxins, improve functioning of our organs, save energy and speed up the recovery. Hence our body gets stronger and healthier.
The best way to feel therapeutic effect of a rosemary is to grow it in your garden or at home. By breathing the air enriched with its natural oils we effectively stimulate our receptors and get all the elements we need for healing.